Channel: Fortune Management & Career Blog » Strategic planning

Reinventing your business, Wikipedia-style


The Wikimedia Foundation turned the conventional approach to setting strategy on its head by opening its process completely to its community of volunteers.

By Chris Grams, contributor

(ManagementInnovationeXchange) -- The term "strategic planning" conjures up images of suits in conference rooms diagramming the path to world domination on whiteboards. All too often, strategic planning is an activity reserved for the organizational elite -- executives aided by consultants. The top dogs think up all MORE

Inside job: Consultants don't need to be outsiders

Many companies turn to consultants for guidance, but several big firms have created in-house teams to keep big decisions close to the vest, among other reasons. By Ethan Rouen

Business's real problem: Uncertainty, uncertainty, uncertainty

It's hard for corporate chiefs to plan for the future when they're waiting for a closetful of shoes to drop.

By Geoff Colvin, senior editor-at-large

FORTUNE -- When CEOs tell me that their No. 1 concern is uncertainty, as a great many do, my first reaction is skepticism. Please. Life is uncertain. Is this moment really different?

Actually it is: Economic uncertainty, especially policy uncertainty, is greater than it has been in MORE

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